Arthur! Long time no see. And I understand your exasperation.

There's a film, a documentary, made by Oliver Stone about Ukraine, I think it came out in 2014. I saw that film, and I think it is well done and might answer your question. I don't know if it's still available for free on Youtube, but I saw it there for free... If not maybe on Rumble? Anyway, good to see you, hope you're doing okay. xo

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okay. I got the film and watched quite a bit of it. Here and there, jumping around. I think I got the message. It was just the history in the main, I think? I didn't see how it answers my question 'why is there no counter propaganda?'

I missed it.

Perhaps you can spell it out for me? :)

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I didn't try to answer your question. I was simply trying to say this:

Ukraine was growing neo-Nazis, and they were killing their own people, though these people were ethnically Russian. But they were UKRAINIANS. Those people were being bombed by their own govt!! Why? I am guessing because the Nazis were "persuaded" by the CI fuckin A that these folks were some sort of THREAT. Why? I'm guessing that it's something to do with resources under the ground of Ukraine... And also the fact that they like poking the (Russian) bear... But more to the point, apparently, there's a lot of lithium... Well. The US gov is all about hegemony, of course, and it's my considered opinion that THEY started the war in Ukraine, as well as being hugely responsible for the HELL in Gaza-- and elsewhere. That was my point. The US is not in the hands of The People, and I think it should be.

I hope this is helpful, and it is my opinion, not necessarily FACT. :)

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No but you did say '...might answer your question..'

okay, yep, right. I think there's no doubt the cia are behind the whole thing and traditional hatred/greed behind them: destroy Russia is the plan since '45.

That's well established I think. And Gaza etc. Only thing questionable is are the Jews running America or is America running the Jews or are they one and the same thing? Meaning, of course, the monied powerful Jews, not your ordinary dumb member of the flock.

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I think Jews are a kind of Perfect Whipping Boy... And I think the people running things are the Globalists, and the Black Nobility, as they like to call themselves, being neither of those things, but shadow-loving cowards who own that 90-something % of the planet's wealth... It's they who want us all dead so they can RULE the World, ffs, so damn stupid it's hardly up to the level of psychotic...

There's a page with MUCH excellent info by one of our best and most illustrious researchers/reporters, that of Frances Leader, called "Uncensored." You can spend days reading her posts and learn more than the average, or even above average, bears.

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so they'd be identifiable if they own 90% of the planet's wealth. who are they?

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The "Black Nobility." They stay in the shadows, hence the "black" part, and they're full of shit and of themselves, all psychopaths, hence the no-bility.

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I will again direct you to "Uncensored," Frances Leader... She's an expert on these people. And a lot of other stuff, too! Don't miss out, she is a professional researcher and reporter. I'm merely an educated parrot. ;)

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There is no "democracy" without PROPAGANDA.

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Well that's right. Given that propaganda is simply information used to promote a cause.

So we can see that it's not necessarily bad at all. It gets bad when it is false information or perhaps when promoting a bad cause.

But good information to promote a good cause: that's simply truth promoting a good arguments. That's what your lawyer will do for you in court.

I think on the planet today there's actually no democracy. Is the main problem.

And that's, I think, because the people have not yet woken from their millenia long conditioning to be subservient, docile and led, or directed, herded.

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"because the people have not yet woken from their millenia long conditioning to be subservient, docile and led, or directed, herded."

I just say "Irresponsible therefor I VOTE"!

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Are you suggesting they should vote?

They do, especially in my country where it is compulsory.

Those that don't say it is pointless.

And they have a point there. Don't they?

If, say, they have an overall desire for no war, say.

What happens to that point?

First of all they cannot express that point.

They can only try to find candidates who might support that point.

If they should get the candidates they want they now find that one candidate represents thousands and thousands of people and points of view.

In America one congressman for something like half a million people.

What are the chances of that congressman remembering and pleading for their point: no war ?

And if he does what does that matter?

Because his point of view is constrained to be one of only two: this Party or that Party.

If neither Party has a 'no war' policy that point of view is never canvassed, has no possibility of expression.

Then beyond that we have the 'owners' of the Party.

Today always monied interests.

So despite any elections the interests served are those of big money, not the people.

It is a massive fraud when it is held to be a 'democracy' where the wishes of the people are canvassed and followed. Nothing remotely like that ever happens.

It was well understood from the beginning that nothing like that could ever happen. The number of people is just too great and the difficulty of canvassing all their opinions too great, too cumbersome, too costly.

So our present systems were constructed which are makeshift ramshackle imperfections, 'make-do' systems which largely operate via 'representatives' on the one hand and 'party politics' on the other.

To make a manageable system out of it given the constraints of 19th Centry technology, reality, civilisation.

200 years later we now have 21st Century technology and we could use it.

But the people have gone to sleep and are in a coma and never ask for it, never think of it.

Nor do their educators: they are not educated to it.

Nor do their politicians who very largely like the system as it is and profit by it.

Nor do their 'community leaders', the intellectuals, who also seem to be simply comatose and indifferent to the whole question.

No one seeks improvement.

The situation is hopeless as those non-voters and dissatisfied voters everywhere say, yet no on seeks improvement.

Rather they seek a Trump or a Biden. A 'leader' see? Don't they?

Some more intelligent may seek an ideology but they are consigned to the looney fringe and get marginalised pretty soon.

Generally it is clear the human population at least as we know it in the Western World desire, strongly desire, rule by 'benevolent despot' and avidly seek that despot everywhere, in the polls in the media, in the public arena, in fiction, in film...

They could have, given today's technology, a true democracy with a voice of the people clearly represented and fairly known so that directions of public policy may be influenced thereby.

It is really quite simple, the computer and computer apps would do it for us. We don't even need AI for it, the technological problem is so simple.

But consider it and put it to your friends. I think you will find you do not want it nor do they:



This is still not the way because it still belongs to govt. not the people and is still used only every few years -

but shows it could be done right NOW


a little more in depth:


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The exact opposite!

Only those that embrace personal IRRESPONSIBILITY are the ones eager to VOTE.

The current owners of the MAIN SYSTEM, that runs the entire human "civilization", use the sub-system "democracy" as a mere tool to COMMAND AND CONTROL.

If you stop the mouse pointer on my profile pic you can read a FUN FACT!

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